work in a field

美 [wɜːrk ɪn ə fiːld]英 [wɜːk ɪn ə fiːld]
  • 在某领域工作
work in a fieldwork in a field
  1. Work in a field dominated by men .


  2. I am worried whether I 'll work in a field I am interested in .


  3. My desire is to work in a field that offers me not only the challenge of growth and personal development , but professional development as well .


  4. And if you work in a field like elementary particle physics , you won 't even have the satisfaction of doing something that is immediately useful .


  5. Most of us share similar hobbies and have many of the same goals in life-to become journalists or work in a field related to sports .


  6. Dylan Schweitzer , group talent acquisition manager for Enterprise Holdings , says that new job seekers often think they can only work in a field directly related to their major and only apply to jobs in one specific industry .


  7. If you work in a creative field , you will be in the perfect position to show off your talents .


  8. A student can begin a degree program by learning about human anatomy , physiology , and pathology , then moving into studies that will prepare for work in a particular field .


  9. If you work in a creative field , you will find the period of May8 to May13 quite special for wrapping up an important creative project you can be proud to show .


  10. If you work in a creative field , or if you have a serious hobby you have been devoting time to , you may hit on an amazing breakthrough idea near this full moon May9 .


  11. At most companies , you are unlikely to work exclusively in a single field .


  12. If there 's an industry or particular job you 've always been curious about , or if you want to gain work experience in a new field , consider becoming an apprentice .


  13. However , the light detector used for PET is PMT and PMT is unable to work in a strong magnetic field . This limits the usage of PMT itself with MRI . But the silicon photomultiplier can just solve this problem .


  14. The present work is an attempt in a field which , so far as I am aware , is not covered by any one book , though it has been carefully and ably worked by many scholars .


  15. This trip would more likely be done for pleasure , not work , although if you work in a creative field , you may be working on a big project and loving every minute !
